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HVAC Home Tips For Atlanta Homeowners

Learn the Signs of Needing an A/C Repair in Smyrna, GA

Are you ready to stay cool this summer? In Smyrna, Ga we know that it can get hot out. Because of this, we have reliable and affordable A/C repair. With our A/C repair we know you will be able to be cool all summer long. If you are starting to feel like you may possibly need an air conditioning repair in the near future, be sure to check out all of our services online now.

Are you aware of what the signs are that you need air conditioning, heat pump or furnace repair? Self Heating and Cooling wants you to be prepared and know when to call us for help whether you need it in the depths of winter or the hottest months of summer. Here are signs to keep an eye out for that could mean you are in need of A/C or furnace repair:

  1. Obviously if your unit does not start up when you press the ON button, there is something fishy going on.
  2. Are you hearing unusual sounds coming from your air conditioner or furnace? Sounds aren’t a good thing, call us for advice and help when you start to hear strange noises.
  3. If you notice that some parts of your home are cooler than other parts, your A/C could need a repair.
  4. Have you noticed a spike on your A/C bill? If so, this could mean that your air conditioner is running twice as hard as it should be.

If any of the above four signs have shown up in your home, be sure to give your local professionals a call. Don’t let Smyrna, Georgia’s heat make you dislike summer. Visit us online now and make an appointment with us today.

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About Self HVAC

1700 Cumberland Point Dr
Marietta, GA. 30067
Phone: (678) 909-6377
Fax: (678) 909-6378
